International Financial Litigation Network

C-Lex Studio Legale is member of the International Financial Litigation Network, an organization of primary international law firms dealing with financial and commercial litigation


American Chamber of Commerce in Italy

C-Lex Studio Legale is member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Italy (AmCham) which is a private, non profit-making organization, which is affiliated with the Chamber of Commerce in Washington D.C., the American Commercial Association composed of more than three million member companies. AmCham is also a founding member of the European Council of … Continue reading American Chamber of Commerce in Italy

The Lawyer Network

C-Lex Studio Legale is member of The Lawyer Network, an organization of business lawyers practicing internationally in several areas of law. (www.thelawyer-network.com)

Manual on European Union Law.

Prof. Antonio M. Calamia, Manual on European Union Law. Giuffrè 2015 (8th ed.) )

Drafting Legal Documents in plain english

Jean Steadman, Drafting Legal Documents in plain english. Giuffrè 2013.